Monday, January 22, 2007

Kalau Bagus Bagi-tau Kawan Kalau Tak, Bagi-tau Saya

Hey everyone!! Yea, Joel Jacob Vergis is gonna start bloggin as of 2007.....well, wats up wit de title?? I saw it at some mamak stall in Penang...ahh...mamaks...thank God for all of em-its where u can have all sorts'a conversations, ranging from all de hot chicks u've seen, cool, fast cars, ur fave football team, more personal things like the person u like (as in really like), and even Christian doctrines...lots more too of course. Well, these Indian Muslim expats, come over here, cook really gud food, and open places wit such nice ambience...hahah, jus perfect...oh well, de other reason I started bloggin is I tot hey, I've got a PC in my own room now-and its all 4 me! So go ahead and blog...ok, so much 4 my 'foreword'...haha so, 'kalau bagus, bagi-tau kawan, kalau tak, bagi-tau saya' = 'if its good, tell ur frens, if not, pls tell me!'

Peace Out (4now)

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