Hey, to all my friends, and blog-readers, Happy Chinese New Year one and all!!!
Hmm...this year, CNY was not as 'Chinese' as always...*duhh, Joel, ur not Chinese!!!* But still, this year, being the second year I'm away from my hometown and all, but at least last year, I got some ang pows, and invitations over to ppls hse, to EAT! This year, not a single 'ang pow', but lots of money from my aunts...hehehe...
But that didn't mean it was really bad...my family came down from Penang, so we were hangin out, talkin, etc, etc...dat was pretty fun...
All in all, was a pretty nice break, well needed one too!
Oh...I had a 'reunion' dinner with my cousin & some friends, at TGIF - FIRST visit in my life!!! I guess theres a first for everything eh? It was great fun, meetin all of 'em, catchin up & jus foolin arnd...
That's: (From left) Sharon, Asha, Ajay & Mua...
Gong Xi Fa Cai once again, and oh! if your married, 'Ang Pow Na Lai' hahahahaha.......
Valentine's Day has come and gone...honestly, I didn't expect much from it, being SINGLE and all. The day started of a lil' monotonous, at the same time stressful, coz a lot of us students were going to have a mid-term test (Business Law) that day...not a very fun start to the day...
Towards the night, I hoped to be a lil more relaxed, as our uni CF had a special dinner thingy...basically we eat, then we dance!!! I tot I was gonna pee in my pants!!! Still, I wasn't expecting very much la...
The night finally arrived!!! I started off with the task of being a deejay, but very relaxed kind of job...then we ate...food was OK....worth our money, I have to say...then came the 'pee-in-my-pants' time...DANCING!!! Since I was the deejay, I thought I'll just play songs, and not dance...I put some songs on a playlist, and sat far away......but guess wat! A GIRL asked me to dance!!! Nothing wan la, she's a friend of mine, who I met in UTAR, but happens to be from Penang....I said, 'This is soo wrong, its not whats supposed to happen!!!' But anyways, we danced, and we both learned some steps...Thanks a lot Clarene (& Simon who was teachin) then, I danced with a few other girls (and uhh...guys...eww!!) So, now the thing is, I can DANCE!!! yaay! So, if a girl who turns out to be my future wife kinda thing reads my blog, pls remind me that I got no excuse to dance with you, OK? *VERY High hopes here* hahahah.....
Anyways, all in all, had loads of fun, my Valentines Day 2007 will be quite memorable one...Thanks to all who made it so enjoyable!!!
P.S. Will try putting some pics up soon...all depends on de ppl I took pics with.
Im sure some of you are going 'uh-oh, Joel sesat dee...must pray for him!!!' Hahaha...thanks for the concern, (If you actually were thinking about that) But, I just wanna state how ironic it is, that we are told to wait when we start a relationship (with another human), as in:
1 Corinthians 13
The Greatest Gift
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails.
Then, we use this, when we are told of how God loves us:
Romans 5
Christ in Our Place
8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Ironic, but true...God loved us first, He didn't wait for us to be perfect like Him, yet He calls us to a relationship with Him...cool...I'm happy I' not the one who made the first move here!!! Hahahaha....
Let's let God love us first, coz He's de ideal person!
Was supposed to post this up before Valentine's Day, but been busy...hehe
With this being the season of 'Valentine' and all that, where everyone is all lovey dovey...can't help to feel so alone......but please note; I'm single, but NOT available...*wink*...I purposed in my mind dat I'll not start a relationship till I actually turn 21 (22nd November 2007), and I'm willing to wait longer, as long as I get the 'right one'
Things are not so easy being patient tho, coz all my frens (peers, actuallly) are so called 'taken'...OKla, maybe not ALL, but theres definitely a lot!!! The people who said they'll wait, I think couldn't wait any longer, and have started a relationship. Then theres others who say they don't think they want to be in a relationship (beacause of past experience) then, they find a special someone, and are nice and 'bahagia' (happy). Theres also some who don't want to be in a relationship (not celibate,or gay or anything) these people just wanna get 'laid'. Well, even these are on the way to get into a relationship...
As for me, I think I know who I like la, it hasn't changed for many years anyway...but even if things dont work out, I'm not gonna settle for any gal who would 'fall into my arms' yea, yea, I hear people goin, *dream on, Joel!!* but seriously, I'm not gonna simply go for anyone I 'think' is right...hmmm...maybe dats why I'm still lonely eh? Hehe....
Like I said,lonely, but never ALONE!!! I've got loads of friends and relatives who genuinely love me, just coz I'm Joel, and thats simply amazing...thank you ALL!!!
God Bless!!!
P.S. A bit 'mushy' my post this time eh? Oh well, its Valentines, can't help it!!
Whoa!!! Its ben a really long time since I blogged eh? Well, been reeaally busy wit uni stuff....but of course, still got time to do other things...hehe...
Just last Sunday, all de boys of College Zone (CoUz) of SIBwent for a pre-Valentine outing thingy with some Young Adults...it was called 'LOST' la...basically coz we went in de jungle & did some cooking & all. Generally was wat boys normally wud do in scouting...
One thing I learned from de whole day wasnt really learning how to start a fire (literally) or how to read a compass, but that as boys (now gonna be...MEN!!!) we need to learn to be 4 things all at once!
Another thing I learned is dat altho it may be good to look to our peers for advice, we must always remember they are PEERS-they go thru similar things, so we cant put all our trust in what they say...wat we gotta do is look 4 a person more mature (both in age & wisdom) to 'mentor' us in the right way...
Its a pity how we are rebellious as teenagers, then only much later in life learn to appreciate our parents...OK...maybe not true 4 all reading this, but it was definitely true 4 me!!
Let's all learn to listen to the sound advice of others ya?
P.S. All my 'peers' who take my advice seriously, Thank You!!! But remember, I'm just your peer...get someone older or more mature for a different perspective...
Been havin dis feelin ON & OFF - wud it be possible to 'press reset' or, (for the sake of my tech savvy frens) Clear CMOS......in our life!? Do you go thru some days where u can just go back, not say or do de things you wish you hadn't, and so-called 'rewind' and 'replay' your life better??
Just a feelin...dunno wat 2 do abt it....
Watched a movie - Munich... ...quite controversial, I think dats y they din show it it Malaysia......basically de main character struggles wit de same thing; except dat he murdered like lots of people, for de sake of his nations peace...and feels de guilt of it.... Oh well....guess dats why we're not a computer; we're humans!!! No such thing as reset here, unless u got alzheimers la...hahaha!!!
So, let's just live, pressing forward, forget de past, just like Timon in 'The Lion King' said, 'you gotta leave your past behind you'
Philippians 3
12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead
I'm not advertising for the shampoo......hahaha...its just wat happens when a person comes 2 know Christ as their personal Lord & Saviour.
Just last nite, a fren of mine, whom I actually met in Cell, in Sg. Long, accepted Christ!!! Yaay! She has been comin 4 a while, but just recently accepted Christ...
Accepting Christ is always de best & most important (Yea, even more important than who you get married 2) decision in ur entire life!!! And when u do, all heaven rejoices!
Heres wat I mean:
Luke 15
7 I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.
Over the past 2 months, I've realised how important it is to be faithful with all the little things in life...
It all started in December, where I was helping out with the sound in my local church production - Drunk Before Dawn (http://www.sibkl.org.my/htm/DBD/index.html) Go check out de pics...I was jus doin some real background thing la, basically helpin de main sound guy dat all was OK.
Then, I came back to Penang, where they were doing a Christmas drama - 2300 (http://www.rgbc.net/2300/) I jus went 2 one of de practices, and de Director, whos also my youth pastor asked me to do de lights, with a good fren of mine - Marc, and so, I gladly accepted...all went really well!! He kept praising de both of us 4 a job well done.
Next, we were gonna do an appreciation thingy 4 our youth pastor who was movin on - so, all de guys got together 2 do sth, and asked me 2 act!!! Being very grateful for all de youth pastor had done, I accepted again! Wow! people really seemed 2 like de performance, and dis boosted my confidence a whole lot... ME! In action!!! OKla, I'm not reli in action la, but dis pic was taken just after de appreciation thingy...
I came back to UTAR, Sg. Long, as the new sem was starting...our CF (Christian Fellowship) was holding its recruitment 4 de new intake, and I was asked 2 act - apparently I have lots of facial expressions?? :), :p, :O!! so, I agreed la...and it was really awesome, yet again!! So now we're on a roll rite? hehe....
Just when I tot all was over, someone noticed me, and asked me 2 emcee 4 the annual Talent Nite!!! Walau! After a lot of persuasion, and coaxing, I accepted!! Actually, I din wanna stress myself out la, but they all practically begged me....so OK! This was just on Saturday nite.......ohhh!!! everyone loved it!! Wow! even I'm amazed at how well we did...thanks Angel 4 askin & of course, Cass, 4 backin me up always - since I'm de noob...God Bless You!!!
So heres wat I learned:
Matthew 25
The Parable of the Talents
20The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.'
21"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
It's buggin me!! I saw a centipede walk across my room!! Feelin soo geli-fied!!! (like a tingly kinda feelin la) It looks like dis: OKla, dats not an actual photo, but it looks similar...why do I feel so weird? Coz i had a so called' bad-experience' with 'em-when I was like 9 or 10, my dad was drivin along Jln. Delima (back in Penang) with de windows down-no air con in de car...so, a centipede dropped on my legs & I started screaming, 'LIPAN! LIPAN!' (dats Malay 4 centipede) coz I 4got how 2 say it it English...and my parents had no idea wat I was sayin-they tot I'm delirious or sth!!! I was that scared of it coz jus a few days before, I read in a kids encyclopedia dat said its venomous...so i was extra scared la.
Another time, was during a scout meeting-we walk thru de grass, etc., so when i got home, found a centipede finding its way off my legs (I've got really hairy legs) so, I found it only when I had reached home...dis time,I din freak out much, but still geli....hehe
But after all dat, know wat? I've never been bitten, or stung by it!! Praise God!!! Here's why: 19I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions *and centipedes, and all other freaky crawlies* and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
P.S. Check the bottom of ur shoe: u might have 'trampled' over something by mistake...hehe...
Electronics. to reinforce oscillations because the natural frequency of the device is the same as the frequency of the source.
to amplify vocal sound by the sympathetic vibration of air in certain cavities and bony structures.
Well, there was a guest performer invited: Juwita Suwito. Heard of her? Well, she's got a really nice voice, and she's de 1 who trains all de ppl in Malaysian Idol, and yea, she's a believer of Christ! Well, she was just sayin how she looks around and sees so many people, many have happy, cheerful faces, yet many others have sad, down kinda faces...I can't agree more with her! But the thing is, or the difference between these 2 groups of people is the MIND-what they are thinking about. People often say that I'm one of those with a cheerful face...wanna know why? Well, its coz I always do my best to 'Look on the BRIGHT side of life' *whistle* *whistle*. My dad has also always encouraged me 2 meditate on this particular verse, and on that particular day, so did Juwita...
Meditate on These Things
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
This title will be our focus in our 'LIFETIME' every Friday night. I'm very grateful that it also is along the lines of being focused...
One Life; i.e. the ONE person I would wanna see come to know Jesus Christ as his/her personal Saviour. At least now we're focusing on only 1 person, not 5 or 10 or more...I think its a really good idea, & I'll definitely spend more time & energy on dis 1 person. OK...some of u guys will be like...'Here comes the Father'...hahaha...but the truth is, I truly believe in God, and can't face 2 c any of my frens have to go thru 'eternal damnation' So yea, frens, if I dont ever mention 'Jesus Christ' to you, I'm sorry, but seriously, He's someone u all gotta know
One World; i.e. What is the one thing that we MUST get done by the time we die? Or like whats our dream in life? Well, of course I have a dream for myself - I would like to start my own car manufacturing plant...hehe...yea, I already like cars, but anyways, this is one dream that came from God Himself; it was even confirmed by a friend & accountability buddy of mine, who had the exact same dream, and the best thing is that he got it at exactly the same time as me!!! How awesome is that! Honestly, I have absolutely no confidence or faith that I'll see this dream come to pass, EVER, coz I see so many obstacles, but with God, ALL things are possible~! -Yaay!!!-
P.S. Have you thought of your own dream in life? For all my Christian friends out there, it doesn't have 2 be 'spiritual' to be God-given...ALL THE BEST~!
Well, de title of dis post kinda 'is' my new year resolution for the whole of 2007...why u may ask?? Basically, its coz I'm no more a freshie in uni, since now I'm in my second semester, not a newcomer to church anymore, and oso gotta get used 2 a lot of things back in my hometown (Penang) *everybody scream* hahaha....coz my youth pastor of 7 yrs is moving on, many ppl leavin coz of studies, and last but not least!!!I'm no more a teenager!!! Ahhh....
Well, basically wat dis all means is dat I gotta be serious from now onwards la, no more play play in anything I do (I'll still do my jokes la, of coz!!-dat part wont go away so easily...) it encompasses studies, my service to God, de way I treat ppl (esp frens & family) so yea...I'll leave dis wit all of u...
Hebrews 12
The Race of Faith
1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hey everyone!! Yea, Joel Jacob Vergis is gonna start bloggin as of 2007.....well, wats up wit de title?? I saw it at some mamak stall in Penang...ahh...mamaks...thank God for all of em-its where u can have all sorts'a conversations, ranging from all de hot chicks u've seen, cool, fast cars, ur fave football team, more personal things like the person u like (as in really like), and even Christian doctrines...lots more too of course. Well, these Indian Muslim expats, come over here, cook really gud food, and open places wit such nice ambience...hahah, jus perfect...oh well, de other reason I started bloggin is I tot hey, I've got a PC in my own room now-and its all 4 me! So go ahead and blog...ok, so much 4 my 'foreword'...haha so, 'kalau bagus, bagi-tau kawan, kalau tak, bagi-tau saya' = 'if its good, tell ur frens, if not, pls tell me!'